Day One:

I’m one of those people who like to dive right into change immediately, when I’m excited about it.  This diet/lifestyle change is definitely one of those things.  I’m honestly holding back excitement because I don’t want to jinx this haha… Luckily we pretty much ran out of everything in our fridge, freezer and cabinets so there really isn’t much temptation anymore.

A lot of people mentioned that completely changing a diet overnight is difficult and it’s more successful if change is made progressively.  That’s what I’m trying to do.  I went to the grocery store and bought some fresh produce along with some things for the hubby for breakfast this week.

So besides being really excited about the ultimate outcome of sticking to this diet plan, I’m also kind of nervous.  This is completely different than anything I’m used to and as much as I embrace change, or at least try to, this gives me the butterflies.  I’ve also taken measurements today, which I’ve written down in my personal journal, and maybe someday I’ll post them on here.  For now, they stay put.

My heart dropped a little when I saw everything written down.  I can’t believe I’ve let myself go this far without taking action.  I’m 24 years old.  I have a newborn.  And I’m married.  Being a stay at home mom, I was kind of naïve in thinking that I’d have all the time in the world.  I’d be the best homemaker, learning to cook, maintaining a clean home, I’d have time to read and write, as well as exercising and taking care of myself as well as my son.  BOY was I wrong about that.  The funny thing is, my plans never go as I imagine them to.  Sometimes things go way different, worse even, but somehow everything works out in the end.  It’s been almost four months since I left work, and I can finally say, I think I’m getting the hang of this.  Sadly, the exercising was put on hold.  That’s also going to change.

I want to play with my kids.  I want to run around at the park and not feel like my windpipe is closing in.  I want to wear shorts and be confident in them.  I want to just be confident in whatever I’m wearing.  I want my skin to be clear.  I want to age well and not have all the ailments that come with age.  I want to be able to run around with my grandkids one day.  I want to be healthy in every sense of the word.  Mentally.  Physically.  Emotionally.

No more waiting.  No more “I’ll do this tomorrow”.  Tomorrow never happens, and yesterday can’t be changed.  Today is all I have.

Day One:

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