For anyone who decides to read this:

I have a hard time sticking to any specific diet.

I like chocolate and all the foods that are proven bad for our health.

Lately I’ve noticed a change in how I feel, not only how I feel about myself, but how I feel towards others.  I am a follower of Jesus, and I’m not ashamed of that, and I know that relationship and love are two of the more important pieces of following Him.  Even though I know how I should feel, I struggle with it on a daily basis.  Don’t get me wrong, I live a totally blessed life and I am so grateful for everything, honestly, my life (from outside looking in) couldn’t be much better.  It’s the internal conflict that I struggle with.  Maybe it’s because I just had a baby a couple months ago.  Or the fact that I had a severe case of depression in college.  Or that I’ve kind of just let myself go physically.  No matter.  Something needs to change.  And my diet is something I never spent much effort in changing.

This year has already been a year of change for me.  I completely changed my morning routine.  Or at least, intended to.  So far, about 10 of the first 17 days have gone as planned.  I wake up shortly after my husband goes to work, eat breakfast, and then I settle in to write and read and study.  For me, peace comes from a close relationship with God and spending time with him.  I don’t always succeed in this, but it’s a goal I have for 2015.  After about an hour, I start to get sleepy again, and tend to take a nap until my 3 month old son wakes up, which is only about another hour.  From that time on, I spend my time with my son, and my dog.  I’m thankful to be a stay at home mom, but as the day goes on, I lose energy and sometimes fight a nasty headache, but my job as a mom/wife don’t end when I get tired.  I cook dinner, then clean up after and then it’s time to get my little boy settled into his nightly routine so he can sleep well.  I truly wouldn’t have it any other way.  I absolutely love caring for my family.  Another goal being to live as the woman described in Proverbs 31 does.

Since having my son, I’ve learned that cooking is something I enjoy, that being a new mom would be way easier if it came with a manual, and that I have an equally important role as my husband.  This is where my whole foods diet decided to emerge.  It’s definitely something I’d been interested in before, but now, it’s like a craving that I can’t get rid of.  I absolutely need to eat healthier.  It’s something my husband and I both agree on.  And what could possibly be better for us than wholesome, nutrient rich foods.  No preservatives.  No added hormones.  I’ve spent hours online researching and watching videos, trying to learn about how to be successful in this new endeavor, and I’m pretty excited.  I’ve noticed some controversy about meats and dairy, and for the moment I can understand both sides equally.  My husband wants to take part in this as well, but he is a man, and absolutely loves meat.  I’ll have to do some more reading and figure out what will be best for me and my family.

So this is going to be like my online journal, to help me keep track of where I am and where I want to be.

For anyone who decides to read this:

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